Hierarchical Circuits – the concept
Circuits in the project may be arranged hierarchically. More advanced usage of
project hierarchical structure would be instances, when the user wishes to
accommodate the information about the circuitry for electronic equipment consisting
of several PCB within one project database.
Most natural in such a case would be to document the block diagram of the designed
equipment as a top (MAINHIER) hierarchy. This hierarchy would contain only
schematic diagram where all parts (single PCBs) are symbolically presented as
functional blocks. The form and size of these blocks are user defined and their
function in the project (database) is dual. Mainly their graphical form and location on
the diagram should describe the hierarchical structure of the designed equipment.
The other function is to provide handles for accessing individual sub-circuits.
The procedure for creating hierarchical projects (databases) of this type involves as
the first step; edition of symbolic parts graphically representing the functional blocks
of the designed equipment. Such a symbolic part are created normal part in the
project (local) library using functions provided by the Library Part Editor. (Any part,
indeed, may be used as a handle to hierarchical sub-circuit).
The parts representing functional blocks may then be placed on the diagram of the
main (top) hierarchy page as normal schematic components. Interconnections
between the blocks are routed as wires and buses in the same way as when
capturing any other schematic diagram.
Add / Delete Circuit item in
EDWinXP Project Explorer| Project opens a dialog
box to create/ add new circuits. Function tool “Hierarchy down” of Schematic Editor
allows to assign sub-circuits to schematic components representing them in the
circuits of higher level. This procedure may be repeated on lower hierarchy circuits
as long as it doesn‟t produce a structure which is recursive. In this way the width
and depth of the hierarchical structure may be freely controlled according to
particular requirements. For example one component may open the lower hierarchy
circuit where some other component open a circuit on even lower level.
The symbol entry names of component associated with sub-circuits are used to name
basic nets defining inputs or outputs to/ from the sub-circuits. It happens when a
circuit is for the first time
assigned as a sub-circuit to a component. This feature is called net hook -ups and
produces automatically a vector of sub-circuit I/O nodes. If an entry in such a
symbol is named for example
CLOCK then the net CLOCK will be created in the sub-circuit together with labeled
single segment hook-up wire. This provides starting points for routing wires in the
sub-circuit with net names consistent with names used in the u pper hierarchy.
Practically, the hook-ups present then interconnections between circuit and its subcircuits graphically.
The connectivity within hierarchical structure is solved first when
the hierarchical circuit is simulated.
Let us consider an example. Suppose you want to design a data terminal system
consisting of three PCBs. The basic parts may be described as the input unit
(keyboard), the output unit and the central control unit. The input unit inputs data
into the control unit and the results are displayed in the output unit. Each of these
units has their own complex circuits.
To start with, we create three symbolic parts to graphically represent three
functional blocks of this unit (using Library Editor) at place them as components in
the circuit at the top hierarchy level (MAINHIER). Names assigned to the entries in
these symbols will be used to name the hook -up nets in the circuits at the lower
level within hierarchy structure. The next step will be to edit the block diagram of the
designed equipment itself. Functional blocks are 'components' on this diagram.
Interconnections between the blocks are routed as wires as in any other circuit
diagram using functions provided in Schematic Editor.
Dialog box opened by
Add/ Delete Circuit item from EDWinXP
Project Explorer|
Project enables to add the necessary number of sub-circuits.
The depth and width of this structure as well as the purpose of its usage is
determined entirely by the user. In another words, user may select which circuit is at
the moment at the top of the hierarchy – by simply selecting it for edition from the
Project Explorer. Farther navigation up and down hierarchical tree is done using
Hierarchy up and Hierarchy down functions included in the editing features of
Schematic Editor as well as Simulators.
How to create a hierarchy?
Hierarchies are a way of splitting up and organizing, large electronic projects into a
systematic set of manageable small pieces. Hierarchies are created using the Add
Circuit option in Project Explorer. Right click on the task PROJECT and select Add
Circuit from the function list to pop up a window.
The process is briefly as follows:
Create a hierarchy by entering its name in the text box „Create New Circuit‟ provided
and confirm by clicking ADD button. The status bar will display the „Created O.K‟
message on completion.
Following the above procedure one can create upto a maximum of 99 hierarchies.
The Schematic of each one of the 99 possible Hierarchies can be spread over a
maximum of 99 Pages.
Hierarchical Subcircuits
Subcircuits can be of two types - hierarchical subcircuits and library subcircuits.
Hierarchical subcircuits are hard coded within the project itself, i.e., the internal
circuitry of a circuit element is explicitly created within the project as a different
hierarchy. The created subcircuit may still contain circuit element associated with yet
another hierarchy. Thus the hierarchy stack may have at the most 99 levels. To
simulate such a design, switch to each hierarchy and set the component pa rameters
and the check subcircuit I/O nodes appropriately for each hierarchy. The subcircuit
I/O nodes are specified using the menu item Setup/ Subcircuit I/O nodes in the
simulator. It is not necessary that the subcircuit should be saved (File/ Save as
Subcircuit) which, if done saves the subcircuit as a library subcircuit. Thereafter, it
may be used as a library subcircuit also so that it can be assigned to components in
any project.
How to Create Hierarchical Subcircuit(s) for EDSpice?
This procedure applies to the Schematic Editor module, the Library Editor and the
EDSpice Interactive Module.
- Create the hierarchy from Project Explorer.
- Assign this hierarchy to relevant circuit element in higher hierarchy.
- Create and layout the schematic diagram for the subcircuit ensuring that you
use the hookups provided (Schematics Editor).
- If you place the current hierarchy as the top most hierarchy, its circuit may
be simulated as the nominal circuit. This should be done to ensure that the
subcircuit works as expected. (EDSpice Simulator).
- Check the subcircuit I/O nodes by selecting the option Subcircuit I/O Nodes
from the Setup menu of the EDSpice Interactive Module. The I/O nodes
should be assigned to the hookups that were generated when the hierarchy
for this subcircuit was assigned (EDSpice Simulator).
Please ensure that you specify the subcircuit description, while you are assigning the
subcircuit I/O nodes.
- Reset the hierarchy structure to the level where you placed the original
component using Hierarchy Down tools.
- Check I/O nodes assignment to symbol entries of this circuit element by
selecting Set Parameters/Models button from the toolbar. As you can see
the information about the subcircuit you created in step six is automatically
displayed. Assign the correct nodes to the symbol entries if necessary and
click Accept. You should always preprocess the circuit to ensure correct
syntax (EDSpice Simulator).
Subcircuit I/O node
According to SPICE convention, the input and output nodes of a subcircuit are listed
in the .SUBCKT line which marks the beginning of the subcircuit in the netlist. The
functions of these nodes depend on the way they are connected within the subcircuit.
Whenever a subcircuit stored in the Subcircuit Library is associated with a symbol, its
input and output nodes must be assigned to appropriate entries. For example, if a
subcircuit executes the logic function of a two input NAND gate, it is necessary to
define the input nodes and the output node. The sequence of nodes is irrelevant as
long as they are properly assigned to the entries of the symbol, which is linked to
this subcircuit.
Consider the line: -
It lists the nodes in the following sequence:
-input 1, input 2 and output
The assignment of the nodes should be made as follows: -
- The dialog window "Subcircuit I/O Nodes " allows to select subcircuit input
and output nodes and arrange them in a proper sequence in the node list.
Moreover, a short description may be attached to each node to explain its
function. This description may be helpful for proper recognition of the nodes
when a subcircuit is associated with a symbol. The column Type allows to
select the node type for the subcircuit. Digital input and digital output nodes
can be selected by cyclically clicking the column. When this subcircuit is used
in a circuit, if required EDSpice will automatically insert proper bridges to the
nodes after checking this node type.
- The dialog window is invoked by selecting the option Subcircuit I/O Nodes
from the Setup menu. The procedure of defining subcircuit's nodes involves
the selection of the nets from the drop- down list attached to the dialog
window (or from the schematic diagram) and adding them in the required
sequence to the table. Please note that a subcircuit name and description also
have to be provided.
Creation of a half adder
For defining hierarchy, the steps shown below has to be followed
1. Create a Half adder circuit using 7408 and
7432 ICs and wire it as having inputs A
and B, and output as SUM and CARRY. Its net names should be as per the inputs and
Save this project with relevant information as a circuit file from Project → Circuit
→Save Circuit →HA.epc.
Let this be the internal circuit for the Hierarchical Main Circuit
2. New Project →Schematic Editor → Create a main symbol HA from Schematic
Editor → Tools→ Components→ Add Block Diagram Elements
Label : HA
Number of Inputs : 2
Number of Outputs : 2
(eg: a block with 2 input nodes and 2 output node using the Block Diagram editor) in
the Schematic page of circuit MAINHEIR
Inputs from left side
→ #1 from top - A
→ #2 from top - B
Outputs from right side
→ #1 from top - SUM,
→ #2 from top – CARRY
Click on Finish so that the changes get effected. A block as shown below will be
2. Load the internal circuit of the HA in the same project. Let the name of the new
circuit is INTERNAL_CKT.
3. The sub circuit I/O nodes for the nets (the name of the nets in the main circuit
and in the internal circuit has to be the same) in the internal circuit can be set next.
For this load the internal circuit schematic and set the sub circuit I/O nodes for the
nets for which u want to set the sub circuit tags.
This can be accomplished from tools -> Components -> hierarchy down -> Set sub
circuit I/O
Nodes → Give a suitable name as “Subcircuit name” with Description. Then select
net→Click “Add”. Node description can be given to each of the nodes. →Accept
Save this project as a circuit file. This can be done from Project -> Circuit -> Save
4. Now click on any of the node in sub circuit schematic and enable
→Components → Hierarchy Down → Hierarchy up (F1). Click on the
entry points of the pins to which it is assigned .The hookups will appear
To set
Check assignment of Subcircuit tags
What Are "Hookups"?
When the newly created hierarchy is assigned to a component, the system
automatically creates hookup nets in this hierarchy. A hookup is represented as
horizontal wire labeled with net name. These hookup nets constitute the input/output
node vector of this hierarchical subcircuit. The number of hookups is directly related
to the number of entries/ports supported by the c omponent symbol.
For example, if
you created a hierarchy for a NAND gate then you would expect at least three
hookups (INPUT1, INPUT2, and OUTPUT) that correspond to the entries/ports of the
NAND gate symbol
Hookup wires can be moved and rerouted. The purpose of hookups is to provide
informative input and output signals to the hierarchy (connecting the hierarchy to
either the next upper level or lower level hierarchy) and to act as a starting pointing
for routing connections on the diagram.