EDSpice supports both Code Models and User-Defined Nodes via dynamic-linking in all Windows operating systems.
Code Modeling is the process of creating new primitive elements and functions using the C programming language.
It has become widely accepted and is seen as a better alternative to traditional ‘behavioral modeling’ and ‘macromodeling’
techniques. User-Defined Node types allow the specification of nodes that propagate arbitrary data structures and
data other than voltages, currents, and digital states. Thus, allowing EDSpice to support mixed-level, as well as
mixed-signal simulation and indeed, to support application domains well beyond the electrical domain.
The EDComX tool kit alleviates the time consuming process of creating both Code Models and User-Defined Nodes
by automating the creation of standard files used to define Code Models and User-Defined Nodes. It achieves this
by employing easy-to-use dialog windows for entering all relevant information.
EDComX also includes a special Code Model Preprocessor (CMPP), which similar to the C preprocessor that
comes with your C compiler. It takes the standard files as an input describing the new Code Model in terms
of physical attributes (including number of ports, type of data it supports, direction etc.) and
it’s behavior (a C function(s) that computes the output of the model). EDComX converts them into .C and .CPP
files allowing EDSpice to access information about the model at runtime.
The ultimate aim of using EDComX is to generate Code Models and User-Defined Nodes as Windows DLLs.
Thus, all necessary .C, .CPP and .DEF files are generated.