This project shows the application of AVR AT90S2313 as a 10-Hour digital clock used for monitoring a system for ten hours. It is being designed to work as a watch, showing hours, minutes and seconds and it will count at a maximum of 10 for hour hand, 60 for minute hand and 60 for the second hand.
This circuit uses two AT90S2313 Microcontroller, a Six digit 7-segment display & a driver for this 7-segment display.
The program is as shown:
Code 1
__SREG__ = 0x3f
__SP_H__ = 0x3e
__SP_L__ = 0x3d
__tmp_reg__ = 0
__zero_reg__ = 1
.global __do_copy_data
.global __do_clear_bss
.global main
.type main, @function
----------------Main Routine--------------------------
ldi r16,0xff
out 0X17,r16 ;enabling the DDRD and DDRB registers in OUTPUT MODE
out 0X11,r16
com r16
mov r30,r16
out 0x2C,r16 ; initializing the TIMER/COUNTER1 registers
out 0X2D,r16
out 0X2A,r16 ; initializing OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTER
out 0X2B,r16
out 0x38,r16 ; change the value of R16 according to the application
ldi r16,0x3C
;ldi r16,0x02
out 0X2A,r16 ; loading the compare match value at OUTPUT COMPARE REGITER
ldi r23,0b01000000
out 0X39,r23 ; enabling the OCIE1A bit of TIMSK register
ldi r17,0x03 ;enabling the TIMER/COUNTER1 CONTROL register with clk= clk/64
out 0X2E,r17
/* routine for converting HEX - DECIMAL */
;decimal adjusting
in r28,0X2C
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 0 -19
cpi r28,0x0A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 19 -29
cpi r28,0x1A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 29 -39
cpi r28,0x2A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 39 -49
cpi r28,0x3A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 49 -59
cpi r28,0x4A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Extended Value For Upgradation or For Special Other Timer Application
; Conversion from HEX- DEC FROM 59 -69
cpi r28,0x5A
brcs output
adiw r28,0x06
; Routine for Displaying the Minute Value through PORTB
out 0X18,r28
rjmp loop1
/* timer16 - compare routine*/
.size main, .-main
.global __vector_4
.type __vector_4, @function
ldi r31,0xDF
out __SP_L__,r31
ldi r16,0x00
out 0X18,r16 ; Clearing the PORTB , TCCR1B & TCNT1L Registers
out 0X2E,r16
out 0X2C,r16
adiw r30,0x00 ; incrementing the register R30 which stores the HOUR value of the clock;
; Change the value according to the application
cpi r30,0x5a ; checking whether hour hand has reached 10 HRS
breq output2
/* routine for HEX- DEC CONVERSION for hour hand in clock */
cpi r30,0x0A
brne output1
adiw r30,0x06
cpi r30,0x1A
brne output3
adiw r30,0x06
cpi r30,0x2A
brne output4
adiw r30,0x06
cpi r30,0x3A
brne output5
adiw r30,0x06
cpi r30,0x4A
brne output6
adiw r30,0x06
cpi r30,0x5A
brne l1 ;output7
adiw r30,0x06
;cpi r30,0x6A
;brne l1
;adiw r30,0x06
/*Routine for outputting the hour value of the clock*/
out 0X12,r30
rjmp ext_cmp
/*Routine for resetting the CLOCK after completing 10 hrs */
ldi r30,0x00
out 0X12,r30
rjmp main
__SREG__ = 0x3f
__SP_H__ = 0x3e
__SP_L__ = 0x3d
__tmp_reg__ = 0
__zero_reg__ = 1
.global __do_copy_data
.global __do_clear_bss
.global main
.type main, @function
; prologue: frame size=0
; ldi r28,lo8(__stack - 0)
; ldi r29,hi8(__stack - 0)
; out __SP_H__,r29
; out __SP_L__,r28
/* prologue end (size=4) */
ldi r31,0x01 ; Incrementing the R31 by 1
ldi r20,0x00 ; Setting up the DDRB register as input mode
out 0x17,r20
com r20
andi r20,0b1111000 ; Setting the higher nibble of PORTD as output mode
out 0x11,r20
in r22 ,0x16 ; Inputting R22 with 0x16 & checking whether it has reached zero
cpi r22,0x00 ; Checking whether R22 has reached zero if equal jump to loop2
breq loop2
rjmp loop1
out 0x12,r25 ; outputting R25 through PORTD
inc r24 ; Incrementing R24
cpi r24,0x0b ; comparing R24 with 0x0b
breq clear ; if z =1 jumps to label 'clear'
;cpi r24,0x0a
;breq convert
mov r25,r24 ; moving value at R24 to R25
rol r25 ; rotating R25 3 times left
rol r25
rol r25
ldi r28,0x4 ; setting up the INT0 bit of GIMSK register
out 0x3B,r28
ldi r29,0x30 ; setting the SE bit of MCUCR
out 0x35,r29
sei ; enabling the "global interrupt enable" bit of SREG
;adiw r24,0x06
ldi r24,0x00 ; resetting R24 & R25 & back to main
ldi r25,0x00
.size main, .-main
.global __vector_1
.type __vector_1, @function
; prologue: frame size=0
; prologue end (size=0)
ldi r28,0xDF
out __SP_L__,r28
;rjmp main