EDSpice Simulator
The EDSpice Simulator is a plug-in extension of this package.
It provides users with the facility to analyze and validate the functionality and behavior of circuits captured in the form of Schematic diagrams.
Once installed, the EDSpice Simulator becomes a part of the system.
The interactive module of EDSpice, invoked from Project Explorer, provides seamless integration between the simulator and the rest of the system.
The core of the package is the EDSpice Simulation Engine, which performs the simulations and outputs the results.
The user communicates with the engine through the interactive module. This module includes a set of function tools to prepare circuits for simulation, initiate the execution of analyses, and review the results.
Waveform Viewer is used to display and postprocess the results of analyses in graphical form. If so required, the results may be presented textually.
EDSpice Simulator is a plug-in extension of the
EDWin Electronics
CAD/ CAE System.
It provides EDWin users with the facility to analyze and validate the functionality and behavior of circuits captured in the form of schematic diagrams.
The EDSpice Simulator is based on SPICE 3F5 and XSPICE with a number of extensions and improvements.
SPICE 3F5 was developed by the University of California and XSPICE was developed by Georgia Tech Research Institute.
SPICE is well known in the electronics industry as a general-purpose circuit simulation program for nonlinear dc, nonlinear transient and linear ac analyses.
XSPICE extends SPICE3's capabilities to allow simulation of mixed-signal (analog/digital) and mixed-level circuits.
EDSpice is a separate product and must not be confused with EDWinXP's current Mixed Mode Simulator Apart from simulating circuits captured using the editing functions of the EDWinXP Schematic Editor package, experienced SPICE users may simulate circuits generated by other CAD/ CAE packages, capable of producing netlists complying with the
Berkeley SPICE2G.6 format.
An additional feature allows you to recreate the schematic part of EDWinXP's circuit projects, by importing files in the above-mentioned standard. SPICE netlist or input files (.CIR) generated by EDWinXP (function of EDSpice Simulator interactive module) are fully compatible with the Berkeley standard.
This means that circuits captured in EDWinXP may be simulated by any third party SPICE simulator.
Note: While converting databases from older 16 bit versions using Conversion Manager, the parameters set for various types of analysis will be lost.
The parameter has to set once again from EDSpice Simulation module.
Analysis in EDSpice Simulator
The various type of analysis are listed below:
Transient Analysis
Small Signal AC Analysis
How do we analyse the circuit using EDSpice Simulator?
Mixed Mode Simulators
Circuits can be created/designed in this module and can be simulated for verification.
Each project can support circuits with multiple hierarchical levels with multiple pages within a hierarchy.
Circuit Elements can be placed on the pages by “drag and drop” of library contents using browsers, explorers or by just entering the names.
Connections are defined either by physically drawing wires and buses or by creating named nets and adding nodes.
The netlist is automatically updated when wires and buses are edited.
All wires may be automatically routed from scratch, once the netlist has been created.
Connecting wires can be rerouted whenever the elements are relocated.
Auto placer helps to arrange interconnected part on the page.
Additional graphical and textual information may be created using design notes (common for all diagram pages) and/or individual page notes.
Bitmaps like company logos may be imported and placed on the diagrams.
Waveforms, generated by simulators, may be also included.
Simulation is a design analysis, which replaces design symbols with their Simulation models and provides a detailed analysis of their behavior.
For Simulating a designed circuit, the model of the real circuit is created taking all factors into consideration, and the appropriate inputs are given.
Then the outputs at each level are checked and corrections or modifications are made.
Hierarchical simulation has been implemented in Mixed Mode Simulator.
The simulator also supports simulation of hierarchical databases.
It is also possible to perform transient analyses in the virtual Cathode Ray Oscillograph.
This gives a running waveform and has all the features of an Oscilloscope
Monte Carlo analysis is used to calculate component parameter values for a given output at a given instant of time.
Sensitivity analysis points out the most sensitive component to a particular parameter such as voltage, current, etc.
During simulation all factors are taken into consideration and a model of the real circuit is created and the inputs are given accordingly.
Then the outputs at each level are checked and corrections or modifications, if any, are made.
There are a number of algorithms used universally to simulate a circuit. The Mixed-Mode Simulator is one of the best tools used.
It can simulate analog, digital as well as a combination of analog-digital circuits.
It is a de facto that an analog simulator equipped with a logic simulation engine that models the digital parts of a circuit during the Transient Analysis run.
The commonly used functions by the simulator are:
Bias point calculation, Transient analysis, Parameter sweep analysis, DC Sweep Analysis, AC Sweep Analysis, Monte Carlo Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Preprocessing pass.
How to Prepare the circuit for Simulation?
Bias Point Calculation
Transient Analysis
Parameter Sweep Analysis
AC Sweep Analysis
Monte Carlo Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Read More:
Assigning Simulation model in EDWinXP
Simulation Models