16 Bit Mulitplexer
- Right Click on System from Project Explorer and select VHDL Editor from the List
- Enter the following code in the workspace provided in the VHDL Editor window
entity mux16 is
port (ce, oe : in std_logic;
ctrl : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
inpt : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
otpt : out std_logic);
end mux16;
architecture mux16_a of mux16 is
signal inet : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
process (ce)
if ce = '1' then
for i in 0 to 15 loop
inet(i) <= inpt(i);
end loop;
end if;
end process;
process (ctrl, oe, inet)
if oe = '1' then
case ctrl is
when "0000" => otpt <= inet(0);
when "0001" => otpt <= inet(1);
when "0010" => otpt <= inet(2);
when "0011" => otpt <= inet(3);
when "0100" => otpt <= inet(4);
when "0101" => otpt <= inet(5);
when "0110" => otpt <= inet(6);
when "0111" => otpt <= inet(7);
when "1000" => otpt <= inet(8);
when "1001" => otpt <= inet(9);
when "1010" => otpt <= inet(10);
when "1011" => otpt <= inet(11);
when "1100" => otpt <= inet(12);
when "1101" => otpt <= inet(13);
when "1110" => otpt <= inet(14);
when "1111" => otpt <= inet(15);
when others => otpt <= null;
end case;
otpt <= 'Z';
end if;
end process;
end mux16_a;
- Save the file (.vhd) and compile the code using Compile & Import option from Build menu.It compiles the source file and generates wirelist (*.wrs) output file
- Output window shows the status of errors
- Click on Import button in Netlist/Wirelist Export&Import window.
- Open Schematic Editor,Autoplace the components by selecting Tools|Autoplace.
- Autoconnect the components by selecting menu Tools|Connections.Select option tool Autconnect all wires from Connect components
- Pcb layout creation is not possible for a schematic using vhdl as its component part includes only symbol hence couldn't pack components.